Machine Learning

DebtHunter: A Machine Learning-based Approach for Detecting Self-Admitted Technical Debt

This paper presents DebtHunter, a natural language processing (NLP)- and machine learning (ML)- based approach for identifying and classifying SATD in source code comments. The proposed classification approach combines two classification phases for differentiating between the multiple debt types.

Keeping one-step ahead of Architectural Smells: A Machine Learning application

Architectural Smells & Machine Learning mash-up


Tool for predicting Dependency-based Architectural Smells

An experimental study on feature engineering and learning approaches for aggression detection in social media

The goal of this work is toshed some light on the effects of learning paradigms and feature engineering approaches for detecting aggressionsin social media texts.

Keeping one-step ahead of Architectural Smells: A Machine Learning application

Architectural Smells & Machine Learning mash-up

[Research Paper] Towards Anticipation of Architectural Smells Using Link Prediction Techniques

We explore a forward-looking approach that is able to infer groups of likely module dependencies that can anticipate architectural smells in a future system version.